“I am now a Master’s student who aspires to attain a PhD”

At the age of 13, my father passed away, leaving me and my family with no fixed monthly income.

I grew up with my family, my mother and siblings, trying to cope with the difficult living conditions that were out of my control. My life took a positive turn when I turned 18. During this time, I was able to complete my public secondary certificate with a high average of 92.2. As a result of my perseverance and hard work, I managed to fulfil my father’s dream of completing my education. I got accepted to JUST and completed my Bachelor Degree in English and Linguistics.

My ambition did not stop there. I hoped to further complete my higher education and attain a Master’s Degree but was sceptical of how I could manage to find the funds for such a dream. I tried to find funds but failed several times until I came across a scholarship funded by the European Union. I checked the scholarship’s conditions and was happy to find out that I met all its conditions. With the help of the European Union, I was able to enrol in English and Linguistics Master’s program at JUST.

I am now a Master’s student who aspires to attain a PhD in the near future in order to get a job that will enable me to offer assistance to people who have gone through life experiences similar to mine.