EDU-SYRIA programme is a series of EU-funded projects through the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis (Madad Fund), and the Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), which are managed by the German Jordanian University. EDU-SYRIA came as a response action to help Syrian refugees and the host communities in Jordan overcome the Syrian crisis consequence through granting the youth of Syrian refugees and underprivileged Jordanians an access to higher education through a set of scholarships.
EDU Syria sheds light on the issues faced by Syrian students in Jordan, supporting the “No Lost Generation” strategy that aims at providing those affected by the conflict with the chance to shape a more stable, sustainable and secure future.
In an effort to empower and support those affected by the Syrian crisis, EDU-Syria’s main objective is to provide more than 3000 scholarships in higher education and vocational training, equipping both Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians from host communities with the required knowledge and skills to access the labour market.
Since its establishment in 2015, EDU-Syria has already graduated 700 students; enrolled almost 1800 students in various academic degree programs with 52% females and 48% males, 739 Syrian refugee students in Bachelor Degree programs, 487 students in Higher National Diploma programs, and 271 students in various Master Degree programs.
The first project of the series is EDU-SYRIA I started on December 2015 with initial fund 4 million Euros, to Provide 390 higher education scholarships (Bachelor degree, master degree, and vocational training diploma) mainly for students who their undergraduate education in Syria was interrupted due to the Syrian conflict and their refugee situation. The project is in partnership with Zarqa University for the bachelors’’ scholarships, Luminus technical University College for the vocational training scholarships and Yarmouk University for master’s studies.
After the launch of EDU-SYRIA I, a huge demand for the scholarship from refugees was marked, not only from interrupted students, but also from youth who were denied the opportunity for higher education. Therefore, EDU-SYRIA II has emerged.
EDU-SYRIA II started on October 2016 with a greater amount of fund allocations worth of 11 million Euros, to serve the maximum number possible of beneficiaries so it provided 1000 higher education scholarships for interrupted students and students who only completed secondary school in Syria or Jordan. The project is in partnership with Zarqa University for the bachelors’’ scholarships, Luminus technical University College for the vocational training scholarships and University of Science and Technology for master’s studies.
On January 2019, a 2.6 million Euros topped the total fund, to provide another 200 higher education scholarships, under the project entitled “EDU-SYRIA II ADDITIONAL”.
EDU-SYRIA III is the more recent project of the series; started on February 2020 to help 2245 direct beneficiaries, with a fund of 15 million Euros, raising the total fund of EDU-SYRIA programme to 32.6 million Euro.
EDU-SYRIA project is now a consortium of 9 local and international partners: The German Jordanian University (consortium leader), DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), Nuffic (The Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education), Queen Rania Teacher Academy, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Yarmouk University, Mutah University, Zarqa University and Luminus Technical University College.
The project also cooperates with the UNHCR to identify Syrian refugee eligible for the scholarships, and with Jordanian aid funds: National Aid Fund, Tkiyet Um Ali, Al-Aman Fund, and Zakat Fund, to identify the underprivileged Jordanians beneficiaries.
Contact Us
+962 6 429 4144
+962 6 429 4145
+962 6 429 4146
Fax: +962 6 430 0215
EDU-SYRIA Project Office at GJU
Building M, office 321, 322
Amman Madaba Street
P.O. Box 35247 Amman 11180 Jordan