EDU-SYRIA Twelfth Consortium Management Meeting

EDU-SYRIA hosted its twelfth Consortium Management Meeting on Thursday 18th of January 2024 at LTUC, emphasizing key updates and facilitating open discussions. The meeting was attended by EDU-SYRIA management team, the EU representative, and project partners including ZU, DAAD, LTUC, NUFFIC, QRTA, and SOS Children’s Villages Jordan, the latter set to be included under EDU-SYRIA IV.

The agenda covered various essential topics aligned with meeting objectives. The management team delivered a comprehensive overview of EDU-SYRIA’s current status, including updates on the tracer study of educational and non-educational programs and the conclusion of EDU-SYRIA II Additional. The updates also featured the unveiling of the new EDU-SYRIA website and insights into future upcoming projects of EDU-SYRIA. While each partner provided updates on their respective sub-programs.