“I saw my dream of completing my higher education fading away”

Since childhood, I have always loved learning and education.

After completing my secondary certificate with a 94 average, I was disappointed to learn that I had no chance as a foreign student to apply to local scholarships granted by the Jordanian government. At the time, I was left shocked and stayed at home for one year doing nothing. Thereafter, I applied for the Islamic Center Association scholarship and enrolled in the Islamic College where I studied Medical Analysis because I was passionate about Biology and the human body. At the college, I ranked first in my major and took a comprehensive exam that would enable me to study at a university. Unfortunately, I came in fourth place and my hope of studying at a university did not happen for the second time.

I did not lose hope and got a job as a private tutor to save up money for covering my university expenses. Sadly, this job was not enough to cover the expenses because of the high living cost in Jordan. After one year of work, I managed to save up some money that covered my first semester at university but unfortunately I ended up using this money to cover my father’s operation. As a result, I saw my dream of completing my higher education fading away until I got accepted in EDU-SYRIA scholarship. After being rejected the first time, I was happy to receive the scholarship at Zarqa University which is funded by the European Union.