“There is no desperation with life, and there is no life with desperation”

I have always believed in the phrase: “There is no desperation with life and there is no life with desperation” in every phase of one’s life.

Since childhood, the following traits display who I am: determination and perseverance in achieving my dreams. I was not hesitant in choosing my major of Electrical Engineering since I was deeply influenced by the scientist Edison who lit the world. I completed my Bachelor Degree with an excellent average. My graduation was the first step in achieving my ambition. With the support of my family, I saw university as a door to new horizons. A door that will in turn mold my personality and my drawing skills. In addition to being a door for me to meet new friends. Hence, the European Union revived my dream after I saw an advertisement about the scholarship. After applying for the scholarship, I received a call to come for an interview as part of the second phase of the selection process. Thereafter, the dream became more real as I received the second call and was informed that I was granted the scholarship. Today, I am a step closer in completing my dream in attaining a PhD Degree and becoming a lecturer at the school of Engineering .

I hope to teach my future students that a dream cannot be paused because of one obstacle and that every dream starts with one step and ends with one step. .