Suad’s Story: Lend a Hand, Grant a Heart

Meet Suad!
Su’ad is a Syrian bachelor’s graduate, who received a scholarship from EDU-SYRIA program funded by the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis (Madad Fund). She finished her Educational Sciences degree from Zarqa University with an excellent GPA of 92.7%.!

After the crisis of COVID 19 hit the region and Jordan in particular, Su’ad started volunteering with Amal Center of the Arab Medical Relief Society-ACAMRS, an active NGO at Al-Zaatari Refugee Camp-Al-Mafraq City. ACAMRS focus is individuals with special needs, providing them with physical, speech and language therapy, in addition to psychological and emotional support.

Unfortunately, as a result of COVID 19 pandemic, their services are interrupted and completely stopped for the time being . However, Su’ad continues to be the contact person between the ACAMRS and the beneficiaries, by preparing case files for all individuals listed in the ACAMRS database with their full medical and educational history along with and individualized tailored education plan (IEP). Then she distributes them to the families to be able to monitor the progress of the individual and to guide them using the IEP.

Suad also providing physical therapists and speech pathologists with the contact information of their ACAMRS beneficiaries, and for those who are not able to use technology to communicate with their therapists she visit them at home. During these visits; she provide some instructions for the caregiver to continue working with the client on his/her different skills, physical, linguistic, among others, and provide the necessary equipment(s) to perform the required activity.

By the end of the week, Suad report to the project coordinator the beneficiaries’ demographics such as age and gender, type of activities that was initiated, and the feedback of the caregiver.
We are very Proud of Suad for the great voluntary work she does! and we wish her a future full of success!

If you too have a story of voluntary work, a project or an initiative you started during COCID-19 pandemic we would love to hear you story! send us a direct message of email at