Academic Meeting Via ZOOM Platform

On Thursday, 25 February 2021 EDU-SYRIA Scholarship Program held an academic meeting with the scholarship students at Zarqa University through the ZOOM virtual communication platform. The meeting was divided into two separate sessions headed by the Scholarship coordinator Dr. Ala’ Khalifeh, and the scholarship officer at Zarqa University, Mr. Ibrahim Al Hariri. The two sessions were attended by more than 100 students.

Dr. Khalifeh started the meeting by welcoming the students and introduced them to the Academic Committee. Then he drew attention to the necessity of adhering to the program’s instructions, which guarantee a successful study for students within the permissible period and with the required credit hours in each semester.

After that, Dr. Khalifeh explained the warnings system in the program, which takes into account the academic performance of students and guarantees the students’ eligibility to continue and benefit from the program.

He also explained the system of certificates of excellence that evaluates and assesses students’ performance recently adopted by the program was discussed. This came in order to motivate the students to work better and achieve better grades.

For his part, the scholarship officer at the university, Mr.Ibraheem explained the online system that the program established to communicate with its students by providing access for them to communicate directly with the program management by submitting online requests, which considers and answers each case individually.

At the end of the meeting, the students’ questions and suggestions were answered. Dr. Khalifeh concluded the meeting with his and the management’s wishes for students to achieve more excellence, success, and prosperity, urging them to make a greater effort to cope with the challenges they face amidst the Corona crisis.