42 beneficiaries from the EDU-SYRIA Project have Graduated from the Professional Diploma Program at Luminus Technical University College

Amman – Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Labor Nayef Stetieh and in the presence of the Dean of Luminus Technical University College, Dr. Ayman Al-Maqableh, and the administrative and academic staff, 42 beneficiaries of the EDU-SYRIA Project which is funded by the European Union Regional Trust Fund for the Response to the Syrian Crisis “Madad” were graduated, within the framework of the graduation ceremony of the fortieth cohort of Luminus Technical University College from various disciplines, which took place at the University of Jordan Stadium.
The Minister of Labor, Nayef Istitieh, congratulated the students for their achievements, quoting His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein that “youth is part of the solution, not the problem”. In addition, Dr. Ayman Al-Maqableh, Dean of Luminus Technical University College, addressed the students by congratulating them and wishing them all the best for their endeavor future, stressing that the graduates of Luminus Technical University College are qualified to obtain jobs in the most prestigious and largest companies and institutions.