EDU-SYRIA team meets Social work students

EDU-SYRIA Social work students at German Jordanian University meet with EDU-SYRIA management team, Dean of the School of Applied Humanities and Languages Prof. Dr. Alaaldeen Alhalhouli, and the Head of Department Social Work Prof. Dr. Christine Hildebrandt, to discuss the challenges they face in their studies and explore the possible solutions.

After the meeting, The Dean of the SAHL together with the Head of Department Social Work handed over certificates to EDU-SYRIA students who worked with the DAAD Project “Higher Education Dialogue” (HED).

A project team of 20 students and teachers from Germany, Jordan and Lebanon (University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS), German Jordanian University (GJU), Yarmouk University (YU), Lebanese University (LU) had worked together a whole year under the Theme “Humanitarian Acces: Pathways for Refugees from Transit to Safe Havens”
Read more about the project:…