Informational Meeting about EDU-SYRIA Project

An informative meeting about EDU-SYRIA project that is implemented by the German Jordanian University (GJU) held on Sunday 17th of January 2016; in the presence of the GJU President and a number of representatives from the project’s partners as well as guests from international organizations.

The meeting was held to discuss some of the key aspects of the project implementation. EDU-SYRIA is a project funded by the European Union and aims at providing scholarships for Higher Education to Young Syrians and disadvantaged Jordanians.

Prof. Natheer Abu Obied, stated that it is a pleasure for GJU to lead a consortium that consist of three partner institutes: Zarqa University, Yarmouk University and Al- Quds College. He also emphasized that getting involved in this project is crucial for GJU to be one of the educational institutions that can help the Syrian refugees to get access to higher education.

Dr. Dhiah el Diehn I. Abou-Tair, the Project Manager gave an overview of the project, where he elaborated on the fund source for the project that is provided by the European Union as an initial fund of Euro 4 Million. He also mentioned the main objectives for this cooperation as well as the application process for the students.

Mr. Job Arts, attaché at the European Union Delegation in Amman, emphasized the importance of having close cooperation between public and private universities in Jordan to address the issue of post-secondary and higher education for Syrian refugees.

Finally, it worth mentioning that the number of applicants exceeded 2200 after two weeks of opening the applications website and is expected to reach 4000 applications by the end of this month.